Chapter 3 Digitization
Digitization does not equal ‘preservation.’ But it can mean that your materials find a broader audience. It can mean that you have a better sense of what materials you’re responsible for, the gaps in your materials, and give you an indication of what areas you should be putting your energies into. Digitization can mean that your materials become available for research. It might even mean that your collection can be linked into other collections, so that a better, truer, picture emerges. But first things first: how does a small organization get its materials into a digital format?
- basic low cost digitization
- data repositories available - zenodo, figshare, others - and why a small org should use them
- a workflow: digitization - metadata creation - repositories - public facing - internal/external research
3.1 Photo Management
- digitization
- Tropy for research photo management
- cross reference to collectionsbuilder for putting stuff online/making it findable
- IIF standards stuff