Chapter 6 Public Facing Work
What do you want your ‘public’ digital face to be?
research showing the more info/data available, the more (physical) visitor numbers
upsides, downsides, and unintended consequences
pick’n’mix approach from the following (ie you don’t need everything)
6.2 Domains and Hosting
- domain names vs hosting
- domains + hosting
- Wordpress or Wix or Squarespace might be fine: but they might not.
6.3 Static Websites With Hugo
your organization needs a basic, fast, secure website that is aesthetically pleasing
deploying to Github Pages
using github + netlify to serve your pages
6.4 Building a Collections Website with CollectionBuilder
- you have wonderful materials. Showcase them.
- also makes your data available in a variety of useful formats
6.5 Omeka for Exhibitions
- Tell stories about your materials, pulling them together from your collection’s materials
- Neatline?
- versus hosting your own
6.8 Mukurtu
- Differing communities have differing protocols about access to cultural heritage information. Mukurtu is built with this in mind.